Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Shortcuts - The Paralyzing Problem of Too Many Choices" -

This is an excellent article and tells a great story.

It seems to me that this presents newspapers with a tremendous opportunity to help people at least tread water in a rising sea of choices - in terms of both news and information and products and services.

The printed newspaper can organize those parts of our lives that we choose to ask it to do for us, and do so in a very orderly manner.

Communicating with customers about this could be a great first step, and quickly offering some initial organizing content to customers as a test. This does not even have to be personalized to start. Imagine, for example, the newspaper's recommendations of three choices - in priority order - for what a reader might watch on television this evening and tomorrow morning? That's the sort of thing that is so much easier to use during the day without having to fire up a device, although it surely could be presented electronically as well.

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