Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stagnant print advertising

When an advertiser buys space in a newspaper, the advertiser gets to use it to say pretty much whatever the advertiser chooses. Sure, there are some limits imposed by law and by the publisher, but basically the advertiser can use that space to communicate whatever the advertiser wishes.

Two things haunt me about how that works.

One is that so much of newspaper advertising in so many newspapers is so unimaginative. Compared to what we often see in magazines and online, newspaper display ads are more often boring.

The second probably is related to the first. I have been looking at some small display ads in one of our local newspapers for restaurants. The ads for the same handful of restaurants run regularly and they seldom change in any way. What a lost opportunity this is for all three involved in this proces - the ad becomes uninteresting for me the customer because there is no point in simply reading the same copy all over again; the ad therefore does not work for the advertiser; and, the ad does not add value other than revenue - for however long it may last - to the newspaper. Each of us has a stake in making this better.

Who is working on these?

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